Why Window Tint? Pt.1

Whether it be for your home, your office, or your vehicle, when done right, having a high-quality film installed on your windows can provide a ton of amazing benefits such as the obvious privacy and aesthetic finish, but the list goes way beyond that, and this installment is going to explore all of those benefits for both automotive and residential films.

Privacy and appearance:

The first, and immediate difference when tint is installed is that the windows will appear darker when looking at the vehicle, drastically altering the appearance. The specific darkness of film used changes the overall look of the glass, and with darker films comes increased privacy inside the vehicle.

Heat rejection:

There are various types of window films for use in automotive applications, but since we only deal with the best of the best here, we will be talking mainly about “ceramic” films. Ceramic films are constructed a bit differently and include more layers that help reduce actual heat by rejecting infrared radiation, resulting in cooler temperatures in your vehicle. Lingering heat is not as much of an issue, and your AC is able to keep the vehicle cooler, and you feel way more comfortable!


Difficulty seeing while driving? Blurred vision from headlights, ambient lights, or even from astigmatism? A quality ceramic film can help reduce the glare from surrounding lights and make things a bit more clear for you all around your vehicle.

Before: Does your vision look like this when driving?

After: Lights are not scattered or blurred across the windshield, making visibility dramatically clearer!


…For you and your vehicle. IR, UVA, and UVB rays can have incredibly damaging effects on the vehicles interior, and you when you’re sitting in your car. Colors tend to fade, plastic panels get brittle, and may start breaking over time, leather panels can start to lift from the dashboard, and repairs can become expensive when those types of problems start to arise.

By tinting the windows, you are reducing those harmful rays at the glass, preventing much of that from entering the vehicle, greatly extending the life of the interior and preserving its condition. Window tint can also be beneficial to your own health as well. From eye sensitivities to possible skin irritations due to extensive exposure to the sunlight, being behind tinted windows reduces the effects and ailments.


Taking the protection even further, in the unlikely event a window was to be broken, since the film has a layer of adhesive bonding it to the window, the chances that the tempered glass that would normally shatter into a million little pieces is drastically reduced, keeping things “together”.

Along with some other benefits, such as energy efficiency for you EV, (which I will talk about in separate post in the near future), there is no reason why window tint is not the single, most beneficial upgrade you can make to your vehicle.

Residential Window Film:

Click to explore the benefits of architectural window film for your home or office windows!


Why Window Tint? Pt.2


Happy New Year